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Partner with Omnibuz

Share Omnibuz Shopify Stack and help scale your clients' business while earning rewards.

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Explore Marketing Channels

Introduce your clients with new channels for brands to automate customer engagement and support via personalized Push Notifications and emails.

Why Partner with Omnibuz?

Referral Commissions

By being a trusted Omnibuz partner, you will be part of the Omnibuz partner network that we point our customer base to when they are looking for top Shopify service providers to help them continue to grow their brand with Shopify.

Dedicated Support

Get a dedicated partner account manager and a direct support channel to stay in constant communication with our partner management team. Whenever you need us, we’re here.

VVIP Agency Offerings

Add mobile-first tech tools to your agency’s offerings to grow your business and help your clients retain top shoppers.



Network Tracking

With access to your Omnibuz member portal, you track your network's referrals and watch your commissions grow in real-time with their increasing sales.

Co-Marketing Opportunities

We will help bring in clients by creating awareness for your business through co-marketing content and sponsorship initiatives.


We’ve made sharing the word as easy as possible, providing social and email templates where you can add your personal touch.


Provide Next-gen Ecommerce App Features for your Clients

Livestream shopping

Live streaming was initially introduced by social media giants such as Instagram and YouTube. Usually on a live stream, brands showcase their products from various profiles and pin the direct link to the products on the screen.


As of 2022, the conversion rates of live streams are 10 times higher than eCommerce website features. Also known as live commerce, this feature is expected to increase threefold and reach $35 billion dollars by 2024.

Social media integration

Social media integration is the strongest and biggest eCommerce feature in the retail tech world. Having social media integrated into your business app will help users with login, registration and sharing details of products. 

Rating and Reviews

One of the most common features of eCommerce apps is the rating and review feature. Sometimes it is mistaken that having review or reporting options is only beneficial for the users. Whatever review you get on your app can be used as a guide to improve the app.


Another option is the rating option which is usually represented with five stars. This is usually a publicly viewed rating option which is great for your app. Good ratings are seen as a way of recommendation ultimately increasing the number of users.  

Secure and Easy In-App Payments

In-app payments are a standard feature in e-Commerce mobile apps today. By offering the customer a selection of secure payment methods, you streamline the process of completing the purchase and deliver a great user experience.


Customers can use this feature to pay for their order quickly and securely.


Payment gateways offer many payment options such as online transfer, credit card payment, paying with mobile wallets like Apple Pay / Google Pay / Amazon Pay / PayPal / Samsung Pay, and more.


One of the most important mobile commerce app features is a wishlist. Adding items to wishlist is something many online shoppers are used to do while browsing their favorite online stores.

How to Get Started?

Share Omnibuz and help scale up with your clients' businesses while earning rewards as they make sales.


Apply for the program. Once you’re accepted, you’ll be connected with your partner account manager and get access to a folder of Omnibuz enablement materials including pre-written emails, social assets, and more.


Share us with your Shopify ecommerce network to help us spread the mobile-app love and track everything in your Omnibuz partner dashboard.


Once your referral Shopify Account has signed up with Omnibuz, you’ll get your recurring commission every Quarter once they start making sales via the Omnibuz mobile app stack. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Want to explore Omnibuz for one of your customers?